Obviously it’s good to invest in the stock market. Large number of people invest their money in stock market as secondary income source. Knowledge and patience must be needed before investing in the market and without that if you will go to invest directly than you will lost the money definitely. • First start to learn: What is stock market, on which principle it works, how stock price calculated, factors affecting stock market, how economy affect the market and all that. Than try to make your own investing strategy. To learn about the STOCKS first you have to learn about STOCK MARKET. First learn how the stock market works, on which Base and on which principle it works. Know first that by how the stock price go higher and lower. Learn how the COUNTRY'S ECONOMY and WORLD ECONOMY affects the market. Before investing in specific company first study the FUNDAMENTALS of that company. The company is strong or not fundamentally. Then see st...
Nov. 8, 2016; the day when world's eyes on US Election results Indian Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi comes on television from the middle of nowhere and announce Demonetization and declare the world's largest democratic Country's two biggest currency notes Rs. 1000 and Rs. 500 will not be a legal tender from midnight and steals the world's attention towards INDIA. And in few matter of seconds 86% of country's currency becomes just a piece of paper. Prime Minister called this step as the Surgical Strike on Black Money. Today it's been a year from Demonetization and here we are going to discuss about the purpose behind Demonetization and what's the effect of Demonetization in 365 days. Demonetization was planned 6 to 10 months prior to launch but very selected people know about that. Even cabinet ministers, opposition, RBI officers as well as high profile government officials have no idea about it. Printing of n...